This brings up a very popular misconcep on that many women
have. When they meet a great guy, they o en assume that this
guy has so many opportuni es to meet women because he's such
a great catch. They pursue and enter rela onships with men out of
fear that they must lock him down for fear that he has so many
op ons to choose from. Let me assure you men have it just as
difficult as women have it when it comes to finding someone that
they are truly compa ble with and have chemistry with. If you and
your man feel like you have great chemistry and things are going
well, don’t sell yourself short or worry that you could easily be
replaced. Having a great connec on with another person is very
rare, And if he’s found that connec on with you, don’t think it’s so
easy for him to meet another woman that he shares the same
compa bility with.
Bo om line - when you prac ce self love, when you believe you
are deserving, when you behave in a way that demonstrates this
feeling, it influences all of your interac ons and you radiate with
posi ve energy. That wildly increases your level of a rac veness.
That’s when he recognizes how lucky he is to have a woman like
you in his life. And that is when he begins to show you how much
he appreciates you.
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