when you start using the methods you’re going to be learning in
The Book of Love. So, let me tell you what you can expect.
The Book of Love is broken down into three parts and 7 chapters.
The first part is all about understanding your unique situa on and
iden fying what you must do to get his focus and a en on back
on to you like never before. In part two, we will take a deep dive
into the commitment formula... This is where you start prac cing
the methods I teach you and this is where you start to see amazing
changes. In the third part, the focus is on deepening your
connec on, developing emo onal in macy and ge ng and
keeping the commi ed rela onship you deserve.
Now, each module has a core chapter as well supplemental
materials and some assignments to take ac on on. So, please think
of The Book of Love as your own personal handbook that you'll
have life me access to. So don’t hesitate to go back and review as
o en as needed.
I also want to give you some ps on the best way to use this
book... in other words, how to get the most out of it. You see, each
chapter begins with core lessons as well as sugges ons for pu ng
that lesson into prac ce in your rela onship.
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