CDB08D100A80451996F115A9C5BDC431_The Book Of Love eBook-1_PDOC

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you do. I want you to recognize the fear and disappointment and
use it to movate you to change your behaviors.
Think about what things used to be like. Then make yourself a
promise that you'll accept no less than what you deserve by
adopng these changes into your life. These ps are all rooted in
being the best version of yourself and loving yourself. They are all
about respecng yourself and your life and they are designed to
help him recognize your value and to remember the person he fell
in love with. And yes, they do work. Now, aer you have made
that conscious shi in your thinking, go on to the third step of the
pedestal principle

3. Priorize Your Fitness

It’s not uncommon for couples in a relaonship to put on some
extra pounds and make the gym and their personal fitness less of a
priority. People get comfortable with one another and place less
of an emphasis on the being in their best and most aracve
physical shape. So, if you’ve gained a few pounds and don’t have
the same hourglass figure that you had when you met your man,
geng back into shape is something that he'll certainly noce and
appreciate. So, join a gym or start following a parcular workout
program and make it a priority. Make sure he understands how
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