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important this is to you and that you have parcular fitness or size
goals to meet. Now, he should be happy that you are making these
changes, but he’s also going to know that you are going to be more
aracve to everyone... other men included. So, don’t be surprised
if he makes comments or asks why you are trying to look so good.
Now, if your physical fitness hasn’t changed at all since you’ve
been in a relaonship, you can sll share with him an increased
level of enthusiasm about your fitness. Go on to the next p.

4. Glamorize Your Looks

When in a relaonship, it’s common for people to get so
comfortable that they let their appearance fade. If this resonates
with you, it’s me to start glamorizing the way you look when
you’re with him and when you’re not with him. So, dress well,
make sure your hair and your skin is glowing. Look your best. He’s
going to noce when other men are paying more aenon to you
and that’s going to remind him that other men find you aracve.
Now, if you’re a person who is always looking your best, consider
making a change in the way you look. Perhaps you can change
your hair length or color, change your style of clothing, change
your makeup. Just make sure that it’s enough of a change that he'll
noce and a change that makes you look sexier and more
glamorous. The psychology behind these changes are two fold.
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