Oh, and Use social media to highlight your fun and independent
life. Some mes you can use social media to your advantage by
indirectly showing him that you have an independent, full and fun
life apart from him. So, let him see this new, independent you via
social media.
Believe me, when you use the pedestal principle he’s going to take
no ce, and your value in his eyes will go up; as will the challenge.
He'll be wan ng you more than ever. But it's super important that
you don’t jump back into the same pa erns as before. I know it’s
going to be temp ng because he's likely to start calling and tex ng
more. He's going to start worrying about losing you. He's going to
be wondering what's going on. When that happens, you are going
to engage the third step in the commitment formula, and that is
the indifference method. In the next chapter, I’m going to explain
the indifference method. But before we get to that one, I have an
assignment for you. Get out your journal and spend 10-15
minutes wri ng your plan for prac cing the pedestal principle.
What are some things you can do today to start pu ng yourself
first? What are some ways that you can resurrect your social life
and start having fun with people aside from your guy. Write out
your plan and then go on to the next chapter.
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