CDB08D100A80451996F115A9C5BDC431_The Book Of Love eBook-1_PDOC

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with where this was the very problem. Where aer years and
years of being ignored, a woman will have had enough, she checks
out of the relaonship and decides it me to split up.
Only then does the man magically wake up. He finally wakes up,
understands the gravity of his situaon, and he’s devastated. Then
he’s ready to go to counseling. He’s ready to do whatever it takes
to save the relaonship. But unfortunately, it’s too lile, too late.
That’s why it’s beer to wake him up now and make him realize
your value and importance in his life. That is the purpose of The
Indifference Method. To make your man worry that you just are no
longer terrified of losing him. To make him wonder if you’ve
checked out. To make him fearful that he's going to lose you. And
to make him recognize how much he wants you and needs you in
his life. All of that is accomplished when you show him that you
have become indifferent to him.
I want you to think about what happens when you’re fighng with
someone you’re in a relaonship with. I’m not talking about a
disagreement here. I’m talking about the type of fighng that
happens when you feel neglected or betrayed, or lied to. If you
love and care for your partner, the betrayal hurts you, but it also
makes you feel angry. And the more you care about the person,
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