CDB08D100A80451996F115A9C5BDC431_The Book Of Love eBook-1_PDOC

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the more hurt and angry you'll feel. Some people might even feel
hatred towards their partner for a brief period. Whatever you call
it, it's an intense emoon, right?
The same holds true when you are not geng your needs met by
the person you’re dang. Perhaps he's not calling you or texng
you as much as you would like. Maybe he's not giving you the
aenon you crave from him. Maybe he's not making you a
priority... and maybe he's not comming to your relaonship. All
of these things are going to make you feel hurt, frustrated,
disappointed, and even angry. Again, the more you care about that
person, the more you'll be feeling those emoons.
Those emoons ring through your behaviors and interacons with
him. The intense disappointment, frustraon, anger... those
emoons shine through every text, phone call, and conversaon
you have. He knows you feel disappointment. He knows you feel
hurt, and he knows you feel frustrated - and most importantly - all
of those feelings mean that you care about him a lot. Because if
you didn’t care, you wouldn’t be angry, upset, disappointed.
Instead, you would be unaffected. You wouldn’t care at all. What
he did would not maer. That is exactly where you need to get
with him.
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