Now, stay with me here because this is where it gets good. What is
the worst thing that could happen between you and your guy?
What is the worst thing that could happen to your rela onship? Is
it him lying to you? Is it him being a racted to or wan ng another
woman? Is it him not making a formal commitment? I mean those
are all bad things that might be devasta ng to a rela onship. But
let me tell you something that is even worse. Something so bad,
it’s actually the opposite of love, but it’s not hate.
Many people think the opposite of love is hate. That’s not true, as
both love and hate are extreme emo ons you feel towards a
person and in that way, they are very similar. Both love and hate
encompass passion towards another person. As I men oned
earlier, some mes we can feel so angry at a partner... so hurt and
disappointed that we feel a temporary hatred for them, right?
So again, the opposite of love is not hate. The opposite of love is
indifference. Having no feelings or emo ons towards a person at
all. Not caring at all. It’s a lack of interest or concern. Being
indifferent means you are apathe c towards them. In other words,
what that person thinks or says does not ma er one way or
another to you. And for most people in a rela onship, indifference
is their biggest fear. Indifference means that you provoke no
interest, good or bad in another person. It means they are
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