CDB08D100A80451996F115A9C5BDC431_The Book Of Love eBook-1_PDOC

([email protected]) #1

For each lesson I ask that you put aside 20 to 30 minutes to study
any supplemental materials. Oen there will be a small homework
assignment to help cement the concepts or help you to beer
understand how these relaonship dynamics have funcon in your
life. Try to put aside the me to really give these lessons the
aenon they deserve.
I also encourage you to get a journal that you keep in a private and
secure place. This can be a simple composion book or a spiral
notebook. The only thing that’s really important is to have
connuous line paper for you to take notes and to complete
assignments as necessary. Wring thoughts with a pen and a
paper has an amazing ability to help you take acon on the
informaon that you are learning. You are also more likely to
complete the enre book if you keep a journal and notes.
Once again, congratulaons on your decision to take advantage of
this powerful book. I’m excited for you to build the loving, happy,
and secure relaonship you deserve. So, without further ado, let’s
jump into the first chapter.
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