CDB08D100A80451996F115A9C5BDC431_The Book Of Love eBook-1_PDOC

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unaffected by your presence. Indifference means that you can
walk away from a person and never look back because you just
don’t give a damn about them. And most importantly.. indifference
means you are boring. And nobody wants to be boring. So, here
are the steps of the indifference method.

Vary the Timing of Your Responses to Text Messages

Varying the ming of your responses is based on the concept of
variable interval reinforcement schedule. In psychology, a variable
interval reinforcement schedule is a powerful operant condioning
tool used to shape behavior and learning. Simply put, operant
condioning is a learning process through which the strength of a
behavior is modified by reinforcement or punishment.
Think of how you train a puppy to learn a trick? You give him an
instrucon, he performs the trick and you reward him with a treat.
If you stop giving the puppy a treat aer he performs the trick,
he'll eventually stop performing the trick. Makes sense, right?
Taking this a step further, behavioral psychologists know that
changing the rate or me interval of giving a reinforcement has
powerful effects on maintaining the desired behavior. For example
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