CDB08D100A80451996F115A9C5BDC431_The Book Of Love eBook-1_PDOC

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if you are gambling and playing a slot machine, somemes you
win, somemes you don’t... but you know for sure that if you keep
playing, you'll eventually win.
A person playing a slot machine will connue pung money into
the slot machine because she never knows when the next
reinforcement is coming. She keeps thinking that with the next
quarter she could win $50, or $100, or even more. So, people keep
trying and hoping that the next me they will win big. This is one
of the reasons that gambling is so addicve — and so resistant to
exncon. Now back to your texng.
In plain English, once you have established that he’s interested and
you’ve also shown him that you are interested, you are going to
vary the amount of me it takes you to respond to his text
messages. Simply put, when he texts you, somemes you'll
respond within seconds, somemes within minutes, somemes
within hours, and somemes you might even forget to respond.
And when you do that, he's going to keep checking his phone to
see if you responded. That means that he’s also going to be
thinking of you. When you do respond, he’s going to be excited to
read it and he’s going to get a hit of dopamine as part of that
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