CDB08D100A80451996F115A9C5BDC431_The Book Of Love eBook-1_PDOC

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Not only is this a difficult atude to explain, it's difficult to pull off.
But I promise, when you become convincingly indifferent in your
interacons with him, it has a profound effect. It’s a game changer,
and that is no exaggeraon. So, what is an indifferent atude?
Indifference is the trait of lacking interest or enthusiasm in things
or people. When you feel indifference for someone, you neither
like them nor dislike them. You just don’t care one way or another.
It’s very similar to apathy in lacking passion, movaon or desire.
So, when you are indifferent towards a person, you don’t care
about them. Not in a bad way. You are not angry or upset with
them, but rather indifferent - non emoonal, no real opinion.
Perhaps an example can help to clarify what it means. If you are
being indifferent towards your man, you are being polite. You are
being kind and appropriate. You are just not being extra. You are
not curious about what he's doing or not doing. You are not
quesoning anything.
This is the best example of how to act indifferent towards your
man. Imagine if you meant and started dang the man of your
dreams and you were falling in love with this new guy. Obviously,
you would have to break up with or stop seeing the person that
you are currently seeing. If you were in love with another man,
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