your feelings towards your current guy would become much more
apathe c.
Imagine what your interac ons would be like if he were to contact
you. Certainly you would respond to his ques ons in a kind way.
Perhaps you might even feel sorry for him a li le bit, but you
certainly wouldn’t engage in any type of flir ng. And, you certainly
wouldn’t be upset if you didn’t hear from him. And because you
are in love with another person your feelings towards him would
simply become indifferent.
In order to pull this off, I want you to become convincingly
indifferent in all of your interac ons with him. Do not go above
and beyond to con nue conversa ons, do not ini ate
conversa ons, do not invite him to do things, and do not get upset
when you don’t hear from him. Indifference means you are not
going to be asking ques ons about what he's doing or how he's
feeling. You are simply going to be responsive in a very platonic
and polite way. This is not something that you’re going to tell him.
In other words, you aren’t going to tell him that you don’t care.
Your ac ons are going to show him that something is very
different about you. He is going to no ce and he's going to bring
that up.
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