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Chapter 7:

Geng Him To Commit

If you’ve reached this chapter, you’ve probably already started to
implement the commitment formula that we covered in the last
three chapters. And, If you have followed the process carefully, it’s
likely that you have already noced that your man is changing. It’s
likely that he's wondering what is going on. He is probably calling
and texng you more, wanng to see you more and spend more
me with you. And, as I menoned in the previous chapter, most
likely, he's going to bring up the commitment talk all on his own.
And, as I menoned in the last chapter, it's important to hold off
on having that conversaon for a lile while. But don’t worry, in
this chapter I’m going to explain exactly how to handle this
conversaon and we will get to that in just a few moments. But
first, let me set the scene so you know exactly what I want you to
If you’re like most of the women who I've worked with, you’ve
been dang a man for a lile while, maybe a few months, and
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