things seem to be going well. You see each other o en and are
ge ng to know one another. Things are great and as far as you’re
concerned, you’re feeling like this is the beginning of a commi ed
rela onship. A er all, you’re ac ng like a couple, right? You’ve
been spending days and nights together, sleeping over each
other’s houses, and you haven’t been da ng anyone else. Again,
maybe it’s been 2 or 3 months and inevitably the conversa on of
“what are we...” or “where is this going...” comes up.
And that’s when he drops the bomb on you. He tells you that he
doesn’t want anything serious. He tells you that he’s not ready for
a rela onship right now. But he does want to con nue da ng and
seeing you, but he does not want a commitment. Nothing serious.
And this is such a shock and it leaves you devastated because it
already feels like you’re a couple and that’s what you want.
Suddenly, something that you thought was going so well becomes
a difficult situa on because you’re not sure if you should give up
on him or if you should give him some more me to get to know
you and see what happens.
Are you was ng your me? Is he eventually going to leave you for
someone else? What do you do? Well, don’t worry. If you can
follow these steps, you’ll have him begging for a rela onship in no
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