Introduc on
Even though I’ve personally helped hundreds of women directly,
and thousands through my videos to get the rela onship of their
dreams, the truth is I didn’t always have it all figured out.
So right now I want to show you how I discovered all of this and
by the end you’re going to understand how I came to write the
Book of Love, what it can do for you and your rela onship, and
how you can apply it to your situa on.
You see, several years ago I was a brand new psychologist and
marriage therapist and had just been married in a fairytale like
wedding in the Va can. When my wife and I returned home from
Italy we bought our dream home together and decided we wanted
to immediately start a family. And that’s where the fairytale ended
and real life began...
For several years, Theresa and I tried unsuccessfully to get
pregnant. Month a er month, disappointment a er
disappointment. Eventually we decided to seek the assistance of
fer lity specialists and we began a series of IVF procedures. A er
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