CDB08D100A80451996F115A9C5BDC431_The Book Of Love eBook-1_PDOC

([email protected]) #1

When a man has everything he wants, what’s his incenve to try
harder? What’s the incenve to change? I mean if you are hanging
out together and acng like boyfriend and girlfriend and he’s
happy, why would he change anything? He’s geng all of his
needs met, right?
He's geng his needs for companionship, aenon, friendship,
inmacy, sex. He’s not going to change just to be nice, and if that’s
not bad enough, when he says he doesn’t want a relaonship right
now, many women try harder to be more thoughul, more loving.
They try to be the perfect girlfriend hoping that he'll fall deeply in
love and then he'll certainly want a commied relaonship.
Only it doesn’t work like that. Remember that he’s happy... he’s
sasfied just the way things are. Why change when he doesn’t
have to. You’re going to have to set some boundaries for yourself,
for him, and for the relaonship. That means that you are going to
have to start saying no to him. You’re going to have to disappoint
him. You’re going to have to set expectaons of him and make him
meet them.
You can’t be his last minute booty call. You can’t connue to just
meet him for a Nelix and chill session. You’re going to have to let
him know your expectaons and let him know that if he wants to
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