4. Have The Talk A er Your Time Frame.
As I men oned earlier, if this is a new rela onship, perhaps he
needed some me to really make a decision about wan ng a
rela onship. So if you’ve been doing the commitment formula, he's
very likely to bring up the commitment talk himself, especially if
you’re as compa ble as you think.
But, if he doesn’t bring it up himself, at some point a er your me
frame has passed, you'll need to ini ate the conversa on. When
you do and he tells you again that he isn’t ready for a rela onship,
this is what you need to say.
Let him know that you understand that he's unsure or confused
and that, like you, he deserves to be in the happiest and best
rela onship for him. Let him know that is super important to you
and then let him know of a solu on that might really help him.
That is that he needs to take some me and be alone so he can
figure it out. You’re also going to let him know that you cannot
con nue to date him or see him because you don’t want to further
confuse his feelings.
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