CDB08D100A80451996F115A9C5BDC431_The Book Of Love eBook-1_PDOC

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That's right - you’re the one who suggests to him that he needs
me away to figure it out, because again, everyone deserves to be
happy and to be with the person they are 100% sure of and
commied to.
When you tell him that in the nicest and most sincere way
possible, you’re leng him know that you want him to be happy
and you want him to figure it out. You’re also telling him that this
situaon isn’t meeng your needs because you need someone
who is all in and sure.Then, you’re going to let him know that you
are going to connue (or start) dang others because you want a
relaonship and when he figures it out, maybe you’ll sll be
available. Maybe. Maybe you’ll be in a relaonship. Maybe you’ll
be married.
When you handle the conversaon in this manner, you are
conveying the following messages to him. First, you’re leng him
know that you care about his well-being and want the best for
him, even if that doesn’t include you. You’re also leng him know
that you are not willing to tolerate or accept anything less than
100% from a person. You’re leng him know that you deserve
more and you are showing love for yourself and will not accept
less than you deserve.
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