Again, the conversa on is likely to end with the two of you par ng
ways. Most likely, he won’t be convinced of the seriousness of
what you have shared with him. Because again, he may not realize
that he’s going to lose you. Despite being disappointed, you must
stay strong and keep your word. I know this is very difficult to do,
but you must trust that if you two are meant for each other, if you
are really that compa ble, then he'll quickly come to his senses
once he realizes that you aren’t bluffing. So stay strong and
con nue prac cing self love. Con nue with the Pedestal Principle,
and you’ll see that if he's right for you, he'll soon be begging for
you to talk to him. I’ve seen it happen so many mes. He just has
to be convinced that you are done. That you are serious, and that
he can’t just call you and have you right at his doorstep.
So, be prepared for him to test you by tex ng you something
random. Be prepared for him to call you. He probably wants things
to just go back to the way they were. So be strong and don’t
answer. Be strong and don’t respond. When he realizes that he’s
lost you, he'll be begging for your commitment.
That completes Module 2 which was focused on ge ng your man
commi ed to you and only you. The next module is focused on
capturing and keeping his heart by triggering his love chemicals,
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