CDB08D100A80451996F115A9C5BDC431_The Book Of Love eBook-1_PDOC

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thinking about him, craving him, and can’t wait unl the next me
you see or talk to him. It’s almost like you have a natural addicon
to him.
And that’s because of what happens to your brain when you’re
falling in love. See romanc love is very much a natural addicon.
When we are in love with a person, we are chemically addicted to
that person. In fact, falling in love has similar effects as cocaine
does on the brains of a user. So when we are falling in love, we
will experience the same types of cravings and yearning that an
addict feels when they are addicted to a substance.
Now, psychologists and behavioral sciensts have studied the
addicon process for decades and we know a lot about how
people become addicted. The good news is i’m going to show you
exactly how to use this informaon to make your man think about
you, crave you, and become addicted to you.
Now, these ps are powerful, but they aren’t magical. These ps
aren’t going to make an uninterested man suddenly addicted to
you. But, if he was inially aracted to you at some point, these
ps will certainly peak his curiosity and get him thinking about you
and craving you like never before. These ps are powerful because
they facilitate the process of falling in love in two ways. First,
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