What\'s New in Python 3.9

(kamelia khammar) #1

What's New in Python 3.

Hey, everyone, I hope everything is going well with you,
so Python three point nine is out and on this video, I'm
going to go over the newest features that they have
added compared to Python three point eight. So let's get
started. Now, you can always go over the Python
documentation and have a look in what is new, but I'm
going to go over the main features that they have added
in Python three point nine. So we don't have time to
cover everything. But there are some quite exciting
additions that Python three point nine comes with. So
let's go to page charm and start. OK, so I'm going to
start with some additions that have been added to
dictionaries in Python. So Python three point nine now
supports operators when you want to merge or update
two dictionaries. So, for example, if you want to have one
dictionary that is containing the key of language and
version together, you would normally go with something
like the following. So let's call our variable merged and
I'm going to make that to be equal to a new dictionary.
And I'm going to include whatever is inside the dict one
and the two. So in a normal way, you can go with double
asterisk here and then call your dictionary. So it will be
dict one and then I'm going to write the same thing for
the two. And once I go ahead and try to print the
merged variable, you will probably receive the dictionary
that is combined with the key of language and then the

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