The Handbook of Technical Analysis + Test Bank_ The Practitioner\'s Comprehensive Guide to Technical Analysis ( PDFDrive )

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the hAnDbook of teChnICAl AnAlysIs

Chapter 16 Review Questions

  1. In which markets would Ichimoku cloud analysis work best?

  2. In what ways would Ichimoku cloud analysis be referred to as subjective?

  3. Explain how you would calculate the lookback periods of the Ichimoku over-
    lays to account for a new market cycle.

  4. Explain how you could achieve the same result as in Questions 3 without ad-
    justing the lookback periods to account for the new market cycle.

  5. Should Ichimoku cloud analysis be used in conjunction with Western oscilla-
    tors and other overlay indicators?

  6. How would the self‐fulfilling prophecy impact on Ichimoku cloud analysis

  7. Explain how Ichimoku cloud analysis is a study of market balance and equilibrium.

  8. Describe how you would use a multiple timeframe setup based on Ichimoku
    cloud analysis.


Elliott, Nicole. 2007. Ichimoku Charts. Harriman House Ltd.
Linton, David. 2010. Cloud Charts. Updata PLC.
Patel, Manesh. 2010. Trading with Ichimoku Charts. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Trading.
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