The Handbook of Technical Analysis + Test Bank_ The Practitioner\'s Comprehensive Guide to Technical Analysis ( PDFDrive )

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THE HAnDbook of TECHniCAl AnAlysis

  1. Detrending moving averages (price oscillator, etc): We may also employ a
    price oscillator when trying to isolate potential cycles in the market. A price
    oscillator tracks the difference between price and a moving average. It helps to
    identify periods of overextensions that are usually related to peaks or troughs.
    In Figure 20.23, we tuned the price oscillator to detrend price against an
    11‐period moving average, which represents half the cycle period length of a
    cycle identified on the four‐hour chart of the GBPUSD. Cycle troughs at time
    lines 1 and 2 were used to project the cycle lines forward in time. Notice how
    cycle troughs tend to occur at time lines 3 to 7 every time the oscillator tests

figurE 20.23 Identifying Cycles via a Price Oscillator on the 4‐Hour Chart of GBPUSD.
Source: MetaTrader 4

figurE 20.24 Identifying Cycle Peaks via Envelope Analysis on the 4‐Hour Chart of
Source: MetaTrader 4

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