The Handbook of Technical Analysis + Test Bank_ The Practitioner\'s Comprehensive Guide to Technical Analysis ( PDFDrive )

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THE HAndbook oF TEcHnIcAl AnAlysIs

continuation patterns. Hence, a triangle at the end of a column of rising Xs
would be regarded as a potentially bullish triangle, whereas a triangle appearing
at the end of a column of declining Os would be regarded as a potentially bear-
ish triangle. See Figure 15.29 for an illustration of this trend‐driven sentiment
for triangle formations.
Conversely, Figure 15.30 shows the basic setup for a bullish triangle defined
by way of a breakout rather than being trend related.
Figure 15.31 is an example of a bullish triangle breakout in Pitney Bowes, Inc.
Refer to Figure 15.32 for an illustration of the basic setup for a bearish triangle.
Figure 15.33 is an example of a bearish triangle breakdown in CraiLar Tech-
nologies Inc.

Figure 15.29 Trend‐Determined Bullish and Bearish Triangle.

Figure 15.30 A Basic Three‐Box Reversal Bullish Triangle by Way of Breakout.

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