The Handbook of Technical Analysis + Test Bank_ The Practitioner\'s Comprehensive Guide to Technical Analysis ( PDFDrive )

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the hAnDbook of teChnICAl AnAlysIs

In Figure 16.13, it is interesting to note that the Chikou Span found support
retroactively on Senkou B at Point 1, which may explain why price found support
at Point 2.
In Figure 16.14, we again observe price finding support and resistance at vari-
ous points on Senkou B and Senkou A.
The thickness of the Ichimoku clouds is of particular importance when refer-
ring to barriers. The thinner the cloud, the greater will be the tendency for price
to penetrate it. In short, a thicker cloud represents a potentially stronger barrier
to price and is therefore bullish if price lies above it, whereas a thinner cloud

FIgure 16.13 Finding Ichimoku Supports on the Daily Natural Gas Chart.
Source: MetaTrader 4

FIgure 16.14 Finding Ichimoku Support and Resistance on the Daily Soybean Chart.
Courtesy of

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