USMLE Step 2 CK Lecture Notes 2019: Obstetrics/Gynecology (Kaplan Test Prep)
Coagulopathies can be due to vessel wall disorders, platelet disorders, coagulation disorders, and fibrinolytic d ...
Diagnosis. Anovulatory cycles can usually be diagnosed from a history of irregular, unpredictable bleeding. Blee ...
GYN TRIAD Abnormal Uterine Bleeding PALM-COEIN Classification (FIGO 2011) Visualizable by inspection or imaging: P: ...
Progestin management. Replacement of the hormone that is lacking (progesterone or progestin). These methods help ...
menstrual blood loss. Fertility will be affected. Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) is a last resort ...
PRIMARY AMENORRHEA A 16-year-old girl presents with her mother, complaining she has never had a menstrual per ...
GYN TRIAD Imperforate Hymen The origins of primary amenorrhea can be multiple; the two main categories are anatomic ...
Table II-11-1. Müllerian Agenesis versus Androgen Insensitivity Definition of abbreviations: MIF, Müllerian in ...
GYN TRIAD Müllerian Agenesis Primary amenorrhea (+) breasts but (–) uterus (+) pubic and axillary hair ...
GYN TRIAD Androgen Insensitivity Primary amenorrhea (+) breasts but (–) uterus (–) pubic and axillary hair ...
GYN TRIAD Gonadal Dysgenesis Primary amenorrhea (–) breasts but (+) uterus ↑ FSH levels ...
GYN TRIAD Hypothalamic–Pituitary Failure Primary amenorrhea (–) breasts but (+) uterus ↓ FSH levels ...
GYN TRIAD Kallmann Syndrome Clinical Approach—Based on Findings Regarding Breasts and Uterus Primary amenorrhea (–) ...
intercourse Androgen insensitivity. In these genetically male (46,XY) individuals with complete lack of andr ...
excessive exercise). FSH will be low. Kallmann syndrome is the inability of the hypothalamus to produce Gn ...
SECONDARY AMENORRHEA A 32-year-old woman states that her last menstrual period was one year ago. She started me ...
GYN TRIAD Anovulatory Bleeding (Physiologic) Amenorrhea means an absence of menstrual bleeding. Secondary means ...
GYN TRIAD Anovulatory Bleeding (Chronic) Management. Irregular, unpredictable vaginal bleeding 33-year-old woman Obese, h ...
Thyrotropin (TSH) Level. If the β-hCG test is negative, hypothyroidism should be ruled out (TSH level). The e ...
cause could be Y chromosome mosaicism associated with malignancy, so order a karyotype. Savage syndrome ...
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