USMLE Step 2 CK Lecture Notes 2019: Obstetrics/Gynecology (Kaplan Test Prep)
MATERNAL SERUM Α- FETOPROTEIN (MS-AFP) Major Serum Glycoprotein of the Embryo Normal AFP changes Fetal serum Pea ...
Figure I-5-1. Midpoints of MSAFP Elevated MS-AFP: A positive high value is >2.5 MoM. The next step ...
Figure I-5-2. Follow-up of High MS-AFP If the true gestational age is less than the assumed gestational age, i ...
QUADRUPLE MARKER SCREEN Trisomy screening: The sensitivity for trisomy 21 detection can be increased to 80% by perform ...
THIRD-TRIMESTER LABORATORY TESTS A 33-year-old woman (G4 P3) is at 25 weeks’ gestation. Her height is 63 inches (1 ...
DIABETIC TESTING 1-h 50-g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT): screening test administered to all pregnant ...
NOTE For more information on diabetic testing and anemia, see Obstetric Complications. http://eb ...
COMPLETE BLOOD COUNT Anemia: A complete blood count (CBC) should be performed between 24–28 weeks’ gestatio ...
ATYPICAL ANTIBODY SCREEN Before giving prophylactic RhoGAM to an Rh-negative woman, an indirect Coombs test ...
LEARNING OBJECTIVES Differentiate between placental disorders and late pregnancy bleeding, including abruptio ...
LATE PREGNANCY BLEEDING Late pregnancy bleeding is vaginal bleeding that occurs after 20 weeks’ gestation. ...
COMMON CAUSES Abruptio Placentae A 32-year-old multigravida at 31 weeks’ gestation is admitted to the birthin ...
OB TRIAD Abruptio Placentae In abruptio placentae, a normally implanted placenta (not in the lower uter ...
Figure I-6-1. Abruptio Placentae Abruptio placentae is seen more commonly with previous abruption, hyperte ...
Complications include the following: Placenta Previa A 34-year-old multigravida at 31 weeks’ gestation comes ...
Placenta previa occurs when the placenta is implanted in the lower uterine segment. This is common earl ...
OB TRIAD Placenta Previa Diagnosis is based on the presence of painless late-trimester vaginal bleeding with ...
Figure I-6-2. Placenta Previa Clinical Presentation. The classic picture is painless late-pregnancy bleeding, which ...
Complications can include: gestation. If placenta previa occurs over a previous uterine scar, the villi may ...
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