USMLE Step 2 CK Lecture Notes 2019: Obstetrics/Gynecology (Kaplan Test Prep)

(Kiana) #1



Establishing gestational age is one of the most important purposes of the first
prenatal visit. The earlier the gestational age, the more accurate the dating.

Duration    of  pregnancy   using: Conceptional dating 266  days    or  38  weeks

Conception  dating: Normal  pregnancy   duration    postconception  is  266 days
or 38 weeks. However, most women cannot accurately identify conception
Menstrual dating: Because the last menstrual period (LMP) is more easily
identified than conception, pregnancy duration in most cases is determined to
be 280 days or 40 weeks from the LMP. We assume a 28-day menstrual cycle
in which ovulation occurs on day 14 after the beginning of the LMP. Yet only
10% of women have a 28-day cycle. A normal cycle length can vary from 21–
35 days.
Ultrasound dating: The accuracy of ultrasound dating is gestational-age-
dependent. Earlier sonograms are more accurate than later ones.
If the difference between menstrual dates and ultrasound dates is within
the normal range of variation, use the menstrual dates.
If the difference between menstrual dates and ultrasound dates is outside
the normal range of variation, use the ultrasound dates.

Naegele’s   rule:   Assuming    28-day  cycles, a   due date    can be  estimated   as  the
LMP minus 3 months + 7 days.
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