USMLE Step 2 CK Lecture Notes 2019: Obstetrics/Gynecology (Kaplan Test Prep)

(Kiana) #1

For anticoagulation medications, use the following guidelines:

Antepartum: Use LMWH from first trimester to 36 weeks; then at 36 weeks
transition to UFH until delivery.



Disadvantages: cannot use orally, higher cost, can not be reversed
Warfarin (Coumadin) can be used only postpartum.
Advantages: oral administration, long half-life, inexpensive, OK for
breast feeding
Disadvantages: crosses placenta, needs monitoring with INR

None    or  prophylactic    dose
Low-risk thrombophilia without VTE episode
Prophylactic or intermediate-dose
Low-risk thrombophilia with single VTE episode
High-risk thrombophilia without VTE episode
Therapeutic dose
High-risk thrombophilia with single VTE episode
Any thrombophilia with VTE in current pregnancy

Discontinue UFH during  immediate   peripartum  interval    to  decrease    risk    of
hemorrhage and permit regional anesthesia.
Protamine sulfate can be used to reverse UFH effect.

VTE risk    increased   20-fold in  the first   week    postpartum.
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