USMLE Step 2 CK Lecture Notes 2019: Obstetrics/Gynecology (Kaplan Test Prep)

(Kiana) #1

rate of dilation is slow, but at 6 cm of dilation, the rate accelerates to a maximum
rate in the active phase of labor. Complete dilation is expressed as 10 cm.

Cardinal Movements of Labor. The first three steps occur simultaneously.

The next four steps occur in order.

Engagement: movement    of  the presenting  part    below   the plane   of  the pelvic
Descent: movement of the presenting part down through the curve of the birth
Flexion: placement of the fetal chin on the thorax

Internal    rotation:   rotation    of  the position    of  the fetal   head    in  the mid pelvis
from transverse to anterior-posterior
Extension: movement of the fetal chin away from the thorax
External rotation: rotation of the fetal head outside the mother as the head
passes through the pelvic outlet
Expulsion: delivery of the fetal shoulders and body
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