USMLE Step 2 CK Lecture Notes 2019: Obstetrics/Gynecology (Kaplan Test Prep)

(Kiana) #1



A   20-year-old primigravida    comes   to  the maternity   unit    at  39  weeks’
gestation complaining of regular uterine contractions every 3 min for the
past 6 h. The contractions are becoming more frequent. She denies any
vaginal fluid leakage. Vital signs are blood pressure 125/75 mm Hg, pulse
80 beats/min, respirations 17 breaths/min. On pelvic examination the fetus
is cephalic presentation at –1 station. The cervix is 5 cm dilated, 90%
effaced, and soft and anterior in position. On the electronic fetal monitor
(EFM) the fetal heart rate baseline is 135 beats/min with moderate
variability, frequent accelerations, and no decelerations. How will you
manage this patient?
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