USMLE Step 2 CK Lecture Notes 2019: Obstetrics/Gynecology (Kaplan Test Prep)

(Kiana) #1


Premature   Ovarian Failure r/o Y   Chromosome  Mosaic

The etiology of menopausal symptoms is lack of estrogen.

Diagnosis. The laboratory diagnosis of menopause is made through serial
identification of elevated gonadotropins.

Clinical Findings. The majority of menopausal symptoms and signs are caused
by a lack of estrogen.

Hot flashes,    sweats
Age 25 years
↑ FSH level

Premature   menopause   occurs  age 30–40   and is  mostly  idiopathic, but can
also occur after radiation therapy or surgical oophorectomy.
Premature ovarian failure occurs age <30 and may be associated with
autoimmune disease or Y chromosome mosaicism.

Amenorrhea  (most   common symptom  is  secondary   amenorrhea):    menses
typically become anovulatory and decrease during a period of 3–5 years
known as perimenopause.
Hot flashes (75% of menopausal women): unpredictable profuse sweating
and sensation of heat, probably mediated through the hypothalamic
thermoregulatory center. Obese women are less likely to undergo hot flashes,
owing to peripheral conversion of androgens to estrone in their peripheral
adipose tissues.
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