Gangster State

(Nora) #1

agreement[s] with the Department by constructing all the houses,
which may therefore cause the advance payments to be of no
consequence in civil proceedings had the Department received value for
money in terms of the enrichment principal,’ said Pieterse.
A proper analysis of the HSS reveals scores more companies with
strong political connections, many of them owned by people close to
Magashule’s inner circle.
The entity with perhaps the funniest name must be Mob Business, a
closed corporation that was registered in 2002 by Moreki Moroka, the
wife of lawyer and long-time Magashule associate Kenosi Moroka.
Magashule and Kenosi were previously co-directors in two companies.
A 2009 Mail & Guardian report detailed how Kenosi Moroka
allegedly tried to extract a R 2 -million bribe from a businessman who
needed the approval of the Free State Gambling Board for a deal
involving the transfer of shares in a casino company. It was alleged that
the lawyer had acted on Magashule’s behalf.^23
Sources who attended gatherings or meetings with Magashule alleged
that Moroka is something of a benefactor to the former premier. ‘I’ve
been to meetings with Ace and some of his associates where we racked
up large bills,’ said one individual. ‘Kenosi would sometimes pull out
big wads of cash and settle the bill.’ Moroka strongly denied this. ‘Our
client has never been in any meeting where Mr Magashule and some of
his political allies held meetings where our client had to settle
restaurant bills,’ his law firm said on his behalf.
Moroka should also be familiar with Mokhesi, under whose watch the
FSHS drove legal proceedings in relation to the R 1 -billion RDP
splurge. Moroka and Mokhesi have served together on the board of
Centlec (SOC) Ltd, the local state-owned power distributor, since

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