Gangster State

(Nora) #1

out RDP contracts worth billions of rands to friends, family members,
former business partners and other associates. Many of these
contractors were completely unprepared for large RDP projects and
consequently contributed to the scourge of unfinished houses that still
affects poor people in the Free State today.
The fact that the auditor-general identified R 7 billion in irregular
expen​diture at the FSHS during Magashule’s time in office shows that
there is much more to uncover. Furthermore, Open Water’s handling of
the 2010 contracts and the apparent derailing of the SIU investigation
points to a massive cover-up that would have required the involvement
of senior politicians.
So far, not a single top-level government leader has been held to
account for one of the largest low-cost housing debacles in South
African history.

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