Herb & Spice Companion

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  • 101 –

Harvest: After 3 or 4 years, when berry clusters are
droopy and hanging downward, the plant is ready for
harvest. Pick the flowers and ripe clusters of berries.
Carefully remove the berries from the stems, as the
stems are poisonous.
Care: At first, weed regularly by hand so you don’t
disturb the growing roots. Don’t prune during the first
two years; after that, prune only when the leaves and
flowers die after the growing season in fall or winter.

Keep It
Store fresh-picked berries in a zip-
tight plastic bag in the refrigerator until
ready for use; use as soon as possible.
Elderberries will freeze well in plastic bags
for future use. Both berries and flowers
can be dried (see directions on page 20).

In the Kitchen
Dishes: Cocktails, liqueurs, cordials,
jams, syrups, chutneys, teas, sorbets,
baked desserts
Prep: Fresh berries must be cooked
before eating to kill toxic chemicals and
improve flavor. Flowers can be served
whole, chopped, or candied.
Serve: Elder is a perfect match for sweet-
and-tart summer fruits like strawberries,
blackberries, cherries, and rhubarb. In
Germany, elderflowers are quick-fried
on their stems to make Hollerküchln,
or elderflower fritters, and they can be
sprinkled over salads, pickled, or bottled
with vinegar. Both flowers and berries
can be baked into desserts and used in
jams, chutneys, and pie fillings.


  • Lavender

  • Rose

  • S?uash blossoms

  • Violets

  • Cranberries

  • #ingonberries

  • ooseberries

Fruits and Vegetables,
elderberries and flowers:
apples, berries, cherries, figs,
grapefruit, gooseberries, grapes,
melon, oranges, peach, pears,
plums, pomegranate, rhubarb
just flowers: cabbage, lettuce,
onions, salad veggies, tomatoes
Proteins, elderberries and
flowers: almonds, cheeses just
flowers: chicken, duck, eggs
Seasonings, elderberries
and flowers: allspice, cinnamon,
cloves, lavender, lemon juice and
Hest, lime juice and Hest, mint,
nutmeg, rose, sesame seeds,
vanilla just flowers: caraway,
cilantro, garlic, mustard, vinegar

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