Herb & Spice Companion

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Soil: Dry, poor, well drained
Plant: Seeds, cuttings, or divisions
Water: Regularly when young, until plants are estab-
lished; drought tolerant, do not overwater.
Harvest: Harvest the leaves and flowers for use in the
kitchen. For the seeds, wait until the pods dry out and
turn brown. Take whole stems if you’re drying sprigs.
Care: Trim foliage lightly throughout the season to
keep the shrubs in shape. Prune back after the last frost
in spring to promote new growth. The plant occasionally self-seeds. Replace after sev-
eral years, especially in cold-winter climates. Divide mature plants and replant every
three years in spring or fall.

Keep It Fresh
Hyssop dries exceptionally well (see
directions on page 20), but does not
hold up frozen.

In the Kitchen
Dishes: Salads, soups, stews, sausages,
beverages, fruit desserts, teas
Prep: Use fresh leaves and flowers in
salads and soups. Dried leaves can be
infused into liqueurs, beverages, fruit
syrups and sauces, and creamy desserts
(like pudding or ice cream), or prepared
as a tea. Grind dried leaves to flavor
stews, marinades, meat rubs, and even
baking sugar.
Serve: Use dried hyssop in recipes that
call for sage, rosemary, or mint, espe-
cially in seasoning for rich meats like pork, lamb, goose, and fatty fish. It’s also deli-
cious baked into savory breads and sweet desserts. Hyssop’s bitter-mint flavor makes
an interesting counterpoint for fruit jams, sorbets, and pie fillings; pair with tart sum-
mer fruits. Mix into soft creamy cheeses or herb butters.


  • Mint

  • Sage

  • Rosemary

  • Lavender

Fruits and Vegetables: apple,
apricots, beans, beets, cabbage,
carrots, cauliflower, mushrooms,
peaches, squash
Proteins: almonds, beef,
cheeses, chicken, eggs, fish and
seafood, game, lamb, lentils,
Seasonings: anise, basil, bay
leaf, chervil, chives, lemon juice,
mint, parsley, sage, thyme

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