Herb & Spice Companion

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  • 111 –

Soil: Moist, rich, well drained
Plant: Seeds, divisions, or young plants
Water: Regularly, to keep the soil consistently moist;
somewhat drought tolerant, do not overwater.
Harvest: Harvest leaves often, as soon as they’re ripe;
they develop an unpleasant flavor if left to age.
Care: Prune heavily after flowering to prevent reseed-
ing, control size, and promote healthy new growth.
Prune after droughts and when the plant looks weak.
Place mulch around the plant to nourish the soil and
prevent reseeding. Divide roots in the fall or spring.

Keep It Fresh
Lemon balm can be dried for potpourris
(see directions on page 20), but it will
lose flavor and is better used fresh for
teas and food. It freezes well in ice-cube
trays with a bit of oil or water (see direc-
tions on page 19).

In the Kitchen
Dishes: Teas, beverages, salads, soups,
sauces, dressings and marinades, desserts
Prep: Use fresh whole leaves or tear
them into smaller pieces before adding
to any dish.
Serve: Since the mild flavor diminishes
with heat, cold dishes will offer optimal
lemon-mint flavor; add to cooked dishes
just before serving. Lemon balm is ideal
for fresh fruit salads, cold beverages, and
hot teas, as well as sweet, fruity desserts
like tarts, pies, custards, sorbets, and ice
cream. Stir it into soft, spreadable cheeses like goat cheese and cream cheese, and
add it to stuffings for chicken, turkey, or pork. Use it in marinades and sauces for fish
dishes, and sprinkle it over eggs and potatoes.


  • Bergamot

  • Catnip

  • Lemongrass

  • Lemon juice

  • Lemon verbena

  • Sorrel

Fruits and Vegetables:
berries, celery, lettuce, melons,
nectarines, onions, oranges,
peaches, pears, pineapple,
strawberries, tomatoes
Proteins: cheeses, chicken,
eggs, fish and seafood, turkey
Seasonings: allspice, basil, bay
leaf, borage, catnip, chamomile,
chervil, cinnamon, cloves, dill,
garlic, ginger, hyssop, lavender,
lemon juice, lemon verbena,
marjoram, mint, oregano, parsley,
pepper, rosemary, sorrel, sweet
cicely, sweet woodruff, tarragon,
thyme, vanilla

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