Herb & Spice Companion

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  • 115 –

Plant: Fresh seeds, seedlings, root divisions, or young
Water: Often during seedling stage, but less often
once established
Harvest: Snip outermost stalks and leaves from the
base. For the seeds, wait until they dry completely and
turn brown, then use a bowl or paper bag to catch all
of them.
Care: Trim stalks to promote new growth with optimal flavor (old foliage becomes
too strong to eat). Cut the seed stalk to lengthen your leaf-and-stalk harvest, or let it
grow if harvesting the seeds. If you experience harsh winters, place mulch around the
plant to protect the roots.

Keep It Fresh
Lovage can be dried, but know that the
flavor becomes concentrated and even
more potent, so use with caution. It will
also hold up frozen (see directions on
pages 19–21).

In the Kitchen
Dishes: leaves and stems soups,
stews, braises, casseroles, pastas, salads,
dressings and marinades; seeds breads,
pickles, sauces
Prep: Use whole stalks (with leaves) to
flavor long-cooked dishes like roasts and
stews, or chop them up and add to cas-
seroles, pastas, stews, or rice.
Serve: The clean veggie flavor of lovage
goes remarkably well with potatoes,
tomatoes, and eggs: Try potato soups,
tomato-lovage frittatas and omelets,
and lovage Bloody Marys (just nix the
celery!). Place whole stalks in the pan with chicken or fish while cooking, or chop
and add to pastas, lentil stews, stuffings, and casseroles. Toss young leaves into sal-
ads, dressings, and slaws. Seeds can be baked into breads or used in pickling spices,
and even the roots can be cooked and eaten like a vegetable.


  • Celery leaves and

  • Angelica

Vegetables: asparagus, carrots,
cucumbers, eggplant, leeks,
lettuce, mushrooms, onions, peas,
potatoes, shallots, tomatoes
Proteins: cheeses, chicken,
duck, eggs, fish and seafood,
Seasonings: bay leaf, capers,
celery seeds, chervil, chives,
fennel, garlic, lemon juice,
mustard, oregano, parsley,
pepper, sage, sorrel, tarragon,

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