Herb & Spice Companion

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  • 117 –

Plant: Seeds or young plants
Water: Moderately; do not overwater.
Harvest: Snip stems regularly throughout the season.
Care: Trim dead flowers and harvest regularly to pro-
mote new, healthy growth. Marigold self-seeds freely
and will return the following year if you let it.

Keep It Fresh
Fresh marigold blooms should be used
as soon as possible after harvesting, but
they can be dried for longer storage (see
directions on page 20). Dry petals indi-
vidually to speed up the process.

In the Kitchen
Dishes: Salads, soups, sauces, pastas,
rice, breads, desserts
Prep: Pluck petals from the stem and
snip off the white ends, which taste bit-
ter. Chop, puree, or use whole in any
dish. Use dried marigold whole, crum-
bled, or ground into a powder.
Serve: Scatter petals over salads, soups,
pastas, and rice. Their subtle, tangy fla-
vor is delicious in herb butters, vinegars,
spreadable cheeses, custards, and even
baked into sweet breads and cakes.
Quick-cook marigold in omelets, fritta-
tas, and scrambled eggs, or stir into cas-
seroles and stir-fries.


  • Nasturtiums

  • Pansies

Fruits and Vegetables:
cabbage, corn, cucumbers,
lettuce, oranges, peaches,
Proteins: cheeses, chicken,
eggs, fish and seafood
Seasonings: celery seeds,
honey, lemon juice and zest,
mustard, nutmeg, red pepper
flakes, rose, vanilla

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