Herb & Spice Companion

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Tropaeolum majus

Flavors: peppery, watercress-like

Also called Indian cress, nasturtium stays true to the “cress” name in flavor. It has
a crisp, peppery bite much like watercress. But in appearance, nasturtium blows all
other cresses out of the water. In summertime, vibrant bursts of orange, yellow, and
red flowers grow just above the plant’s
emerald, lily pad–like leaves, making a
stunning sight in any garden or yard.
Nasturtium spreads, climbs, and grows
quickly, while its leaves, flowers, and
buds are all edible. They add zing to
fresh green salads and serve as charm-
ing garnish.
As the summer sun gets hotter later
in the season, nasturtiums’ pepper fla-
vor grows more potent right along with
it, so adjust amounts in your cooking to
accommodate for the added heat.

In the Garden
Nasturtiums, which are perennials, can either stay low and compact or climb over
fences, trellises, and basket rims. Choose the variety that suits your garden’s design.
They grow healthily in containers and window boxes.
Size: Dwarf plants, 1 to 2 feet tall; climbers, up to 10 feet tall
Container: Depends on variety and size
Light: Full sun
Soil: Moist, somewhat poor, well drained; rich soils won’t produce colorful blooms.

Nasturtium tea can help treat coughs,
colds, the flu, and bronchitis. The
leaves especially offer immune-
boosting vitamin C and can help fight
infections; they’ve most notably been
used against infections in the urinary
tract. When applied topically as a
compress, nasturtium has been used
to soothe minor skin irritations and
muscle pain.

Job:07-61264 Title:RacePoint - Herb and Spice Companion
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