Herb & Spice Companion

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Plant: Seeds
Water: Regularly, when the soil feels dry to the touch
Harvest: Snip leaves and flowers throughout the sea-
son. Save seeds to plant the following spring; wait until
they’re completely dry and store in a paper bag.
Care: Weed regularly. Snip off dead flowers to promote
new growth. If using a container, trim occasionally to
control the growth.

Keep It Fresh
Leaves will keep in a plastic bag in the
fridge for a few days, but blossoms
should be used fresh, just after harvest-
ing. Leaves and flowers do not dry or
freeze well.

In the Kitchen
Dishes: salads, soups, sandwiches,
dressings, garnish
Prep: Use leaves and flowers whole or
chopped in any dish.
Serve: Fold chopped nasturtiums into
soft, spreadable cheeses, butter, or may-
onnaise, and spread onto sandwiches or
crackers. Add young leaves and blooms
to salads, soups, and sauces for fish and
chicken (try nasturtium pesto!). Infuse
into vinegar and make tangy nasturtium
vinaigrette. Older leaves have a stron-
ger flavor and will hold up to quick last-
minute cooking in stir-fries, sautés, and
pastas. The leaves and blossoms can be
stuffed with cheese fillings for tasty fin-
ger food, and the buds can be pickled
and swapped in for capers.


  • Marigold

  • Pansies

  • Violets

  • Squash blossoms

Fruits and Vegetables:
avocado, beets, carrot, celery,
cranberries, cucumbers, grapes,
lettuce, onions, oranges, peppers,
potatoes, spinach, tomatoes
Proteins: almonds, cream
cheese, chicken, eggs, fish
and seafood, goat cheese,
mascarpone, walnuts
Seasonings: arugula, balsamic
vinegar, bay leaf, chili peppers,
chives, cilantro, dill, fennel,
garlic, honey, lemon juice, lime
juice, marjoram, paprika, parsley,
peppercorn, tarragon, watercress

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