Herb & Spice Companion

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Water: Regularly, about one inch per week. Water
more frequently and thoroughly in hot temperatures,
as excess heat will increase bitterness and quicken
Harvest: When it reaches 6 inches tall, snip young
outer leaves from the base of the plant; older leaves
grow tough and bitter. Harvest large batches at a time
(up to half the plant), and the leaves will grow back
Care: Weed regularly. Sorrel self-seeds freely, so snip off flower shoots to control
propagation, or let the plant go wild. Divide clumps every 2 or 3 years in fall and
replant in smaller batches, or simply sow fresh seeds every year for new young plants.

Keep It Fresh
Freeze sorrel for longer storage (see
page 19).

In the Kitchen
Dishes: Salads, soups, sauces, mari-
nades, omelets
Prep: Use leaves whole, chopped, or
Serve: Sorrel’s tart, citrus flavor comple-
ments egg dishes, pork, and fatty fish like
salmon. It’s a main component in many
European soups, like traditional Ukrainian
green borscht and creamy French sorrel
soup, often paired with potatoes and
spinach. Sorrel sauces are a delicious
accompaniment for fish. Small young
leaves are mellower than larger ones,
so use these raw in salads, and cook the
large leaves to temper the strong taste.
Sorrel shrivels when cooked, so use more
to account for the reduced volume and
add at the end of cooking.


  • Lemon juice +

  • Lemon verbena

  • Arugula

Vegetables: beets, cabbage,
cucumber, leeks, lettuce,
potatoes, spinach, tomatoes
Proteins: beans, chicken, eggs,
fish and seafood, lentils, pork,
Seasonings: arugula, borage,
chervil, chives, dill, lovage,
parsley, tarragon, watercress

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