Herb & Spice Companion

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Harvest: Snip leaves when needed throughout spring
and summer, ideally just before using so they’re fresh.
Harvest young seedpods in summer, while they’re
green, flavorful, and still tender enough to eat raw. If
using the root, dig it up in fall.
Care: Snip flowers regularly to promote new growth.
If you let them bloom and seed, gather the fresh seeds
for a new batch to plant the following season. Prune
heavily after the plant flowers.

Keep It Fresh
Sweet cicely leaves should be used as
soon after harvest as possible. They
don’t freeze or dry well. Seeds and roots
can be dried and stored in containers for
later use, while the flowers can be dried
and used as potpourri (see directions on
page 20).

In the Kitchen
Dishes: Salads, desserts, breads,
liqueurs, beverages, teas
Prep: Use leaves whole or chopped and
seeds whole or ground. Stalks can be
eaten raw or chopped and added to sal-
ads or soups, just like celery.
Serve: The flavor of sweet cicely is a
wonderful counterpart for tart, acidic
fruits like rhubarb and apricots; toss
leaves or seeds into fruit salads, pie fill-
ings, preserves, cakes, and breads. Add
leaves to salads, soups, omelets, and
creamy sauces for fish dishes. Seeds
also make a tasty addition to custards
and ice creams.


  • Chervil

  • Fennel

  • Tarragon

  • Anise seeds

  • Fennel seeds

Fruits and Vegetables:
apples, apricots, berries, carrots,
gooseberries, lemons, nectarines,
parsnips, peaches, pineapple,
raspberries, rhubarb, shallots,
strawberries, sweet potato,
Proteins: almonds, cheeses,
chicken, eggs, pecans, scallops,
Seasonings: allspice, basil,
cardamom, chervil, cinnamon,
cloves, cumin, garlic, ginger,
honey, lemon juice, mint, nutmeg,
parsley, vanilla

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