Herb & Spice Companion

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Light: Full shade to partial shade, preferably under
trees, tall plants, or a canopy to block out direct sunlight
Soil: Rich, moist, well drained. Soil should be constantly
moist but not waterlogged, so draining is crucial. Add
plenty of compost to improve drainage.
Plant: Seeds, presoaked the night before planting, 1
to 2 inches apart; after they’ve grown a bit, separate seedlings to 12 inches apart to
make room for growth. Transplanted rhizomes should be planted with their crowns
above the soil line.
Water: Mist or spray with water regularly, and more frequently during drier months
(several times a day).
Harvest: Dig up rhizomes after two years, when they’re most flavorful and about 8
inches long. If you leave a couple in the ground, wasabi will self-seed.
Care: Weed diligently, every day if nec-
essary. In hot, sunny climates, cover
wasabi with a sheet or tarp.

Keep It Fresh
Wrap fresh wasabi rhizome in a damp
paper towel and store in the refrigera-
tor for up to 2 weeks. Place leaves and
stems (also edible!) in a zip-tight plastic
bag in the refrigerator for up to 10 days.

In the Kitchen
Dishes: Sushi, sashimi
Prep: Peel off the layer of skin covering
only the portion of rhizome you plan to
use. Trim the root end only and grate
finely from this point. As you grate, form
a tight pile of wasabi shavings to retain
flavor. Let sit for up to 2 minutes so the flavor develops, then enjoy within 20 minutes. If
using wasabi powder, reconstitute with water and serve.
Serve: Wasabi is the classic accompaniment for raw fish, served with white rice
and soy sauce. Pair it with foods that are also commonly used in sushi and popular
Japanese dishes (see the pairings notes above).


  • Horseradish

  • Hot mustard

Fruits and Vegetables:
avocado, cabbage, carrot,
chives, cucumber, daikon radish,
edamame, lettuce, onions,
potatoes, shallots
Proteins: beef, caviar, crab
meat, cream cheese, chicken, raw
fish, salmon, shrimp, tofu
Seasonings: chili peppers,
cilantro, garlic, horseradish, lemon
juice, lime juice, mustard, pickled
ginger, sesame seeds, soy sauce

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