Herb & Spice Companion

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The importance of spices in human history cannot be overstated: They’ve provoked
wars, inspired the exploration of continents, served as currency, and treated countless
medical conditions. (Fun fact: Most spices have at some point been touted as aphro-
disiacs.) Although their uses and price points have evolved over time, spices are still
indispensible in every cuisine on the planet.
For the best flavor, spices should always be purchased whole, never ground.
Grinding or crushing spices releases their flavorful oils, which immediately begin to
lose their pungency. If you do buy pre-ground or powdered spices, be sure to renew
your stock at least once per year. Test freshness by observing their color and fra-
grance: If that paprika or cayenne has turned from bright red to dull brown, it’s prob-
ably time to toss it. If that once-sharp aroma is now a bland shadow of its former self,
pop it in the trash.
In addition to dried seeds and berries, spices come in several other forms that
require specific preparation. Rhizomes like ginger, galangal, and turmeric can be
sliced, chopped, grated, or juiced (see tips on page 189). Fresh and dried chili pep-
pers can also be prepared in a variety of ways. Chop fresh chili peppers or use them
whole; crush dried chili peppers to form flakes, or grind them to a powder using a
spice grinder, blender, or mortar and pestle.

Job:07-61264 Title:RacePoint - Herb and Spice Companion
Dtp:VIVIAN Page:148

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