Herb & Spice Companion

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Spice Guide SPICES

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Most spices, however, are dried seeds and berries.
These can simply be ground before serving, or cooked
quickly beforehand to enhance their flavors and soften
them for grinding. See the specific prep instructions
in each spice profile, and use the following techniques
when applicable.

Preparing Spices

Spices can be readied for cooking in a few different ways. In Indian cuisine, a tech-
nique called tadka, or “tempering,” involves frying whole or ground spices in hot oil
or ghee before they’re incorporated with other ingredients. Cooking the spices in
fat enriches their flavors and is also believed to activate their nutritional compounds.
Dry-roasting is another quick-cooking method that alters flavors rather than simply
enhancing them—roasted spices taste, essentially, “roasted.” The prep method is
entirely up to the cook and the recipe. Here are quick tips for getting the most out of
your spices.

Frying in Oil
Whether frying a single spice or several, take special care to avoid burning them,
which will ruin the overall flavor. Smaller spices and ground spices will need less cook-
ing time—sometimes just a few seconds will sufficiently fry them. Others may need a
full minute. Prepare all ingredients for the final dish so they’re ready to be combined
with the just-fried spices. (If adding spices at the start of cooking, have your raw
ingredients ready; if adding spices at the end of cooking, have your cooked dish ready
to receive them.)

  • Heat 1 to 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, grapeseed oil, sunflower oil, or ghee
    in a heavy pan. Wait until it’s lightly smoking before adding spices.

  • Start with larger, whole spices, then gradually add smaller spices or ground
    spices, which require less cooking. Watch carefully to prevent burning.

  • Fry until the spices darken and crackle in the hot oil, then remove from heat
    and prepare according to your recipe.

  • Fried spices can be crushed or ground before adding to a dish or used whole.

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