Herb & Spice Companion

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Pimenta dioica

Flavors: warm, sweet, pungent,
and peppery, with cinnamon,
cloves, and nutmeg

Native to the tropical climates of the Caribbean and Central America, allspice berries
are harvested exclusively in that part of the world, with Jamaica’s crop considered the
gold standard. They grow on trees and
are dried and cured before being sold.
Though whole berries look like over-
sized peppercorns and their botanical
name is Pimenta (Spanish for “pepper”),
allspice is not related to pepper. The
common name “allspice” was chosen
for its warm flavor combination of cin-
namon, nutmeg, and clove. Allspice is a
favorite ingredient in baked goods and
many spice blends, from curry powders
to pumpkin pie spice to jerk seasoning
(see page 251).

In the Garden
Allspice trees need tropical or subtropical climates and both male and female spec-
imens in order to grow their tasty berries. But they can also be planted in other cli-
mates and used for their leaves rather than for the spice. (Leaves have a similar aroma
and flavor, and they can be used in cooking like bay leaves.) The tree will grow in a
large container so it can be brought indoors in cooler weather.
Size: 5 to 8 feet tall in containers; 40 to 60 feet tall in ideal conditions in the ground
Container: At least 20 inches deep and 2 feet in diameter; at least 5 gallons
Light: Full sun to partial shade

Allspice is a known digestive aid,
helping to alleviate gas, cramps,
and other stomach troubles. It can
also help lower blood pressure,
relieve nerve pain, and prevent and
fight viruses, infection, fungus, and
inflammation. On top of all that,
research has shown that compounds
in allspice may help protect against
several forms of cancer.

Job:07-61264 Title:RacePoint - Herb and Spice Companion
Dtp:VIVIAN Page:154

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