Herb & Spice Companion

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Job:07-61264 Title:RacePoint - Herb and Spice Companion
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Harvesting Herbs
Herbs are harvested for their leaves either by hand, scissors, garden shears, or a sharp
knife. The tool depends on the toughness of the stems and the method of harvesting.
Basil leaves, for example, can be pinched off easily by hand, while fennel stalks and
lavender stems should be cut with shears or a knife.
Many herbs can be harvested throughout the growing season, and this is a great
way to encourage fuller fresh growth as the season wears on. Snip up to one-third
of the plant’s foliage or stems at a time, and regularly remove flowers to prevent the
plant from going to seed.
Leaves usually reach their peak flavor just before the plant flowers, and this is a
great time to collect a full herb harvest that can serve you in the kitchen throughout
the winter. When you’re collecting all foliage at the end of the season, cut down or
dig up the whole plant. Annuals should be dug up, while perennials should be cut
down and left in the ground to grow back healthily next season.

Harvesting Spices
Seed spices are harvested very differently: The plants are allowed to flower and
develop seeds over the course of a full season. They’re then collected carefully before
they drop to the ground and start the growing cycle all over again. To collect seed
heads (seedpods or flower heads), place a paper bag over the top of the stem and snip
from the base, turning the bag upside down and making sure all seeds are contained.
Spices, however, come in many forms other than seeds, including rhizomes, bark,
and berries. All are harvested in distinct ways: Rhizomes like ginger, for example,
are dug up and either removed whole or separated into chunks, with some sections
replanted and the rest harvested. Follow the specific instructions for each plant in
your herb and spice garden.

Job:07-61264 Title:RacePoint - Herb and Spice Companion
Dtp:VIVIAN Page:

61264 - Herb and Spice Companion_001-145.indd 16 3/7/15 5:12 pm

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