Herb & Spice Companion

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  • 181 –

Soil: Light, fertile, well drained. Mix compost into the
soil for added nutrients and better drainage.
Plant: Seeds. Soak in water overnight to help them
germinate. After sowing, mist with water from a spray
bottle to keep moist.
Water: Regularly and thoroughly, when soil feels some-
what dry but not completely dry; soil should be moist
but not wet.
Harvest: After about 4 months or longer, seedpods will grow ripe and turn brown,
while stems will dry and become brittle. Snip stems into a paper bag, then hang to
Care: Weed regularly. Protect from frosts and winds.

In the Kitchen
Dishes: Curries, rice, chilies, stews,
soups, sausages, breads, pickling spices,
Prep: Enhance the flavor of whole seeds
by dry-roasting or frying before use (see
pages 149–150). Use seeds whole or
grind using a mortar and pestle or spice
Serve: Ubiquitous in curries and many
Indian dishes, cumin creates well-
rounded overall flavor when used with
other pungent spices. Pair it with pota-
toes, squash, or carrots, whether roasted
or in stews and soups. Cumin is espe-
cially delicious with lamb, couscous,
beans, and chickpeas, and is a common
ingredient in Mexican and Tex-Mex chili.
Fresh cumin leaves can add a little spice
to salads.


  • Chili powder
    contains cumin

Coriander Seeds

  • Caraway seeds

Fruits and Vegetables:
cabbage, carrots, celery, corn,
cucumbers, eggplant, onions,
peppers, potatoes, squash,
Proteins: beans, beef, cheeses,
chicken, fish, game, lamb, lentils,
pork, turkey, venison
Seasonings: ajwain, allspice,
anise, bay leaf, cardamom, chili
peppers, cilantro, cinnamon,
cloves, coriander seeds, curry
leaves, fennel seeds, fenugreek
seeds, garlic, ginger, lemon juice,
lime juice, mustard, nutmeg,
oregano, paprika, pepper,
tamarind, thyme, turmeric

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